
All graphical assets in this template are licensed for personal and commercial use. If you'd like to use a specific asset, please check the license below

rocket iconlighting iconinternet iconpoint arrow logocomputer screen icontelephone app iconscreen icontags iconstack iconpencil iconpen iconpencil iconpencil iconsmall stack iconpaint bucket iconpaint brush iconpen iconintersect iconeraser iconthree circles iconcube iconeyedropper iconfour grid icon crop icon

Prosphor Icons

A great free icon pack that is updated often and can be found in the Figma Community library. Comes in a couple of different styles that you can use.

License Link
report analysis flatlineapp flatlinegraphic reporting flatlinespeaker flatlinenotes flatlinegoogle ad flatline

ManyPixels Illustrations

Go check out all of ManyPixels amazing free illustrations in their gallery, or go reach out to them for a custom illustration.

License Link
woman iconman iconman iconwoman icon

User Avatars

License Link