MELP News & HR Industry Updates

Update on MELP | March 2025

Product updates

HR platform:

  • We’ve had some changes to admin permissions. Some integration resources that require permissions can only be accessed by users granted such rights.
  • For your convenience, we’ve also added an opportunity to enable and / or disable automations by date.
  • We’ve also added a benefit preview functionality, so administrators can see how new benefit and its description look like in the app for employees.

Mobile app:

  • Ability to override and / or customize the category labels in different languages was created in benefit category section.

Client news

In February, we've launched MELP for Caverion, Nordic Metrology Science, and Softera employees. Glad you chose MELP and we can't wait to see the impact on your team's engagement.

Partner discounts

We've added 15 new discounts this month, among them - Biržų duona, Biuro Vizija and others. Explore them on MELP app!

Table of contents