HR Trends & Best Practices

Workations: The Perfect Solution to Office Summer Blues

A workation, also known as a “working vacation” is a concept that combines work and leisure by allowing your team to work remotely while enjoying a vacation-like experience in a different (often awesome) location. It involves temporarily relocating to a destination away from the usual work environment, such as a beach resort, mountain cabin, or cultural hub, while maintaining work responsibilities… More or less.

During a workation, employees typically bring their work devices and have access to stable wi-fi to perform their job duties remotely and then enjoy leisure activities together during their free time. Workations have become increasingly popular with the rise of remote work – it offers a cost-efficient way for remote teams to meet up and work together by strengthening relationships, brainstorming, and having a good time together.

What makes a workation?

Remote work

Workations are based on the premise that individuals can effectively perform their work remotely, utilizing technology and communication tools to stay connected with their colleagues and complete their tasks.

Change of environment

Workations provide an opportunity to break away from the usual work setting and experience a different location. This change of scenery can offer inspiration, relaxation, and a refreshing perspective.


Workations offer flexibility in terms of location and schedule. Participants can choose destinations that align with their preferences and have the freedom to explore and engage in activities outside of work hours.

It’s important to note that workations require careful planning and coordination to ensure that work responsibilities are fulfilled while also allowing for a relaxing and enjoyable experience. Communication with colleagues, setting clear boundaries between work and leisure time, and managing expectations are crucial for a successful workation.

Can they boost morale?

70% of US employees are less likely to quit after a workation.

83% of workers think workationing helped them cope with burnout.

81% of workers experienced a creativity spike after workationing.

60% of employees believe they are more productive while on workation.

Here are the benefits of hosting regular workations?

1. Increased productivity. A change in environment can boost productivity and creativity. By stepping away from the usual office setting, your team can experience a fresh perspective, reduce distractions, and find a renewed focus on their work responsibilities.

2. Work-life balance. Workations provide an opportunity to integrate work and leisure, enabling employees to balance their professional responsibilities with personal relaxation and enjoyment. A step back into a relaxing environment can lead to a healthier work-life balance.

3. Reduced stress and burnout. Taking a workation can help prevent burnout. The combination of work and leisure activities as well as having a less formal time with coworkers can provide your team with a much-needed break from routine, allowing them to recharge, unwind, and return to work with renewed energy and motivation.

4. Enhanced creativity and inspiration. Exploring new environments, cultures, and experiences during a workation can stimulate creativity and inspire fresh ideas. Being exposed to different surroundings and engaging in leisure activities can provide a more innovative mindset when approaching work-related tasks and challenges.

5. Improved focus and concentration. Workations offer an opportunity to work in a setting that suits personal preferences and promotes better concentration. Some individuals find that being away from the typical office environment allows them to focus more effectively, leading to increased productivity and efficiency.

6. Networking and collaboration. Some workation experiences bring together remote workers from various teams, fostering networking opportunities and collaboration. Engaging with like-minded people can lead to new valuable connections, knowledge sharing, and potential collaborations on future projects.

Are you ready to plan a workation?

It’s worth noting that the benefits of workations can vary based on individual preferences, work requirements, and the specific nature of the workation experience. Careful planning, clear communication, and managing expectations are essential to ensure a successful and beneficial workation for both individuals and organizations. If you plan it carefully and communicate clear boundaries and expectations – it should be awesome for your both business and your employees.

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