HR Trends & Best Practices

Sustainable HR Practices: Making a Real Impact

If you think sustainability is just a buzzword, it is time to change your mind. New laws, standards and expectations from consumers & employees mean that businesses can no longer avoid paying their dues to ESG aspects of their processes.

HR is one of the areas where practices can have a significant impact on the environmental, social, and governance (ESG) performance of the whole organization. Let's explore why ESG matters to employees, how the HR department can contribute to sustainable practices of the organization and look at practical tips for implementing sustainable HR processes with examples from global companies.

What is ESG and how is it connected to HR practices

ESG stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance. These three criteria are used to measure the ethical impact and sustainability practices of an organization:

Environmental: This includes how a company handles energy use, waste management, pollution, and natural resource conservation.
Social: This aspect focuses on the company’s relationships with employees, suppliers, customers, and the communities where it operates. It includes work practices, diversity, equity, inclusion, and community engagement.
Governance: This pertains to the company’s leadership, executive pay, audits, internal controls, and shareholder rights.

Focusing on the social aspect of ESG

The social aspect of ESG emphasizes creating a positive impact on people and society. This includes promoting fair work practices, fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace, ensuring employee well-being, and engaging with local communities. When companies prioritize these social elements, they not only improve their reputation but also drive employee satisfaction, talent attraction and retention.

Employees appreciate sustainable employers

Attraction and retention: A survey by Cone Communications found that 64% of millennials won’t take a job if a company doesn’t have strong corporate social responsibility (CSR) values.

Employee engagement: Research from Deloitte shows that employees who believe their company is committed to and supportive of sustainability are 2.3 times more likely to be engaged at work.

Productivity: A study by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) indicates that sustainable business practices can increase productivity by up to 13%.

We have a blog post about why sustainability is extremely important for Gen Z – check it out here.

Implementing sustainable HR practices - some examples

Communication and transparency
Unilever regularly communicates its sustainability goals and progress to employees through newsletters, intranets, and town hall meetings. This transparency builds trust and encourages employees to align with the company's values.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives
Microsoft has implemented a Global Diversity & Inclusion strategy that includes training, resource groups, and equitable hiring practices. This commitment to DEI helps create a more inclusive and supportive work environment.

Community engagement programs
Salesforce encourages employees to volunteer by offering seven paid days off for volunteer work each year. This program not only benefits local communities but also enhances employee morale and engagement.

Sustainable transportation options
Patagonia provides incentives for employees who bike to work, including financial rewards and on-site bike repair services. This initiative reduces carbon emissions and promotes a healthy lifestyle.

Eco-friendly office practices
Adobe has implemented various green office initiatives, such as energy-efficient buildings, waste reduction programs, and digital documentation to minimize paper use. These practices help reduce the company’s environmental footprint.

Flexible work arrangements
Cisco offers flexible work arrangements, including remote work options and flexible hours. This not only reduces the carbon footprint associated with commuting but also improves work-life balance for employees.

Employee development programs
IBM provides extensive employee development programs focusing on continuous learning and upskilling. By investing in employee growth, IBM ensures a knowledgeable and adaptable workforce, which is crucial for long-term sustainability.

Health and wellness programs
Johnson & Johnson offers comprehensive health and wellness programs, including on-site fitness centres, mental health support, and wellness challenges. These programs enhance employee well-being and productivity.

Digital transformation
Accenture has embraced digital tools and processes to reduce paper usage and improve operational efficiency. By leveraging technology, they minimize waste and enhance productivity.

Sustainable benefits programs
Google offers comprehensive benefits programs, including mental health support, fitness classes, and healthy food options. These programs not only enhance employee well-being but also foster a culture of health and sustainability.

Why allowing employees to choose their benefits is a sustainable practice?

Implementing personalized employee benefits solutions like MELP and allowing employees to choose their benefits aligns with individual needs, reduces waste, and enhances overall employee satisfaction and retention.

Here’s how this approach contributes to sustainability:

Customization reduces waste
When employees can select benefits that match their specific needs, it minimizes the chances of unused or underutilized benefits. For example, an employee who doesn’t need a parking pass can opt out, reducing unnecessary allocations and resources. The same goes for clothing items or other branded merchandise.

Increased employee satisfaction
Tailored benefits packages can lead to higher job satisfaction, which in turn can improve retention rates. Satisfied employees are more engaged and productive!

Financial efficiency
Companies can allocate resources more efficiently by investing in benefits that employees truly value. This approach can save money that can be reinvested into other sustainable initiatives.


Integrating sustainable practices into HR processes is not only beneficial for the environment but also crucial for building a positive workplace culture, enhancing employee satisfaction, and attracting talent.

Embracing these practices can undoubtedly lead to better business outcomes, stronger community relationships, and a more sustainable future. All in all, incorporating sustainable HR practices is a win-win for companies and employees alike. Start your journey today!

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